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Monthly fee for one business, highlighted in the search results. Monthly fee will be charged 30 days after your first initial booking or after 4 months whichever comes first.
$9.99 / month
Monthly features:
  • This plan includes 1 listing
  • Unlimited availability of listings
  • Booking Module enabled
  • Reviews Module enabled
  • Social Links Module enabled
  • Opening Hours Module enabled
  • Video option enabled
  • Coupons option enabled
  • Gallery Module enabled
  • Maximum 10 images in gallery


Best Value
Yearly fee for one business, highlighted in the search results. Yearly fee will be charged 30 days after your first initial booking or after 4 months whichever comes first.
$89.99 / year
Yearly features:
  • This plan includes 3 listings
  • Unlimited availability of listings
  • Booking Module enabled
  • Reviews Module enabled
  • Social Links Module enabled
  • Opening Hours Module enabled
  • Video option enabled
  • Coupons option enabled
  • Gallery Module enabled
  • Maximum 10 images in gallery

Additional Package

Email us with your needs to activate this package. Mention your account email, current subscription package and needs. We will help you activating additional package.

Monthly Additional

Monthly fee for one additional business, highlighted in the search results. Monthly.
$2.99 / month
Monthly features:
  • This plan includes 1 listing
  • Unlimited availability of listings
  • Booking Module enabled
  • Reviews Module enabled
  • Social Links Module enabled
  • Opening Hours Module enabled
  • Video option enabled
  • Coupons option enabled
  • Gallery Module enabled
  • Maximum 10 images in gallery